As many families decide to observe the Biblical Holy Days in order to embrace the Hebrew roots of our faith, we look for ways to include our children so we can pass our faith on through them. It seems that God had the kids in mind when …
An Attitude of Gratitude: Sukkot for Christians
In a festival similar to Thanksgiving, the Biblical feast of Sukkot (pronounced sue-COAT) gives us a chance to focus on our blessings from God and His desire to be with His people. Also called the Feast of Booths, Tabernacles, or Ingathering, it’s one of the seven …
Resolutions: The New Year and Beyond
This time of year, it seems everyone’s thinking about resolutions – losing weight, quitting smoking, reading their bible more, etc. But we’ve also heard that statistics show these resolutions often don’t last long. People stick to them for the first few weeks or months of …
How Do the Biblical Feast Days Point to Jesus?
You may have heard many Christians started observing the Biblical Feast Days. You may have even heard them claim these seven Feast Days point to Jesus as our Messiah. Since the connection between the commands to observe these days in Leviticus and our faith in Jesus …
Holidays for Christians to Observe in Honor of Their Hebraic Roots
If you’re just here for the free printable calendar, get yours here! The celebration of Passover has become more common among Christians in recent years. This celebration is so beneficial because Passover has many elements that point to our Messiah and highlight the greatness of …
Explaining The Chosen: Season 2, Episode 4: The Perfect Opportunity
The Chosen, a series about Jesus’s life and ministry, is well-made and so much fun to watch! It shows what the lives of Jesus and his disciples may have been like in an entertaining and authentic way. If you haven’t seen it, click here to …