Studying the Bible can teach us so much about life, but perhaps the most important thing we can learn from the Bible is about God’s character. When we study, we see what God can do and how He interacts with His people. As His character …

Studying the Bible can teach us so much about life, but perhaps the most important thing we can learn from the Bible is about God’s character. When we study, we see what God can do and how He interacts with His people. As His character …
I love the Book of Proverbs because of its time-tested truths and laws. For more articles from Proverbs, check out the Mic Drop Moments in Proverbs Page. One of the most critical lessons for Christians is to be proper stewards of their money. Money is your …
Do you know what the New Covenant is? As often as we talk about the New Covenant as Believers, we should have a concise answer to this question. But if you search for the answer on the internet, you’ll come up with varying results that …
Many of Jesus’s most well-known words have even more meaning than we think! He often quoted the Old Testament in his teachings, bringing its laws and lessons to the forefront of the Christian faith. The Torah The term Torah can refer to a few different things. While …
As Believers, we’re familiar with numerous Bible studies on many subjects, but this one is unique because it’s over 2500 years old! It’s collectively called the parashōt and is believed to originate from the time of Ezra (see below). The word parsha (plural parashōt) means …
Who were the Amalekites and where are they today?
Have you ever wondered about the depth of knowledge that Biblical Hebrew or Greek could add to your Bible studies? The Israel Institute on Biblical Studies provides quality online courses in Biblical languages and studies, catering to both degree and non-degree programs. I started studying …
For the background on this post, check out the Mic Drop Moments in Proverbs Page. The Bible has a lot of guidance on how to be a Godly woman. One need only look to Jesus’s example of service to get a picture of what that looks …
Following the yearly Torah portion schedule is a wonderful way to study the whole Bible! For information about studying the Torah portions, read Parashōt, The Original Bible Study! Click here for your free printable Torah Portion Reading Schedule for 2023-2024 (5784)2023-2024