How would you like to read the Psalms in the original Hebrew? Wouldn’t it be fantastic to hear the Psalms the way Jesus heard them? Here’s a way you can – even if you don’t know Hebrew! Use coupon code HEBREWROOTSMOM to receive a 20% …

How would you like to read the Psalms in the original Hebrew? Wouldn’t it be fantastic to hear the Psalms the way Jesus heard them? Here’s a way you can – even if you don’t know Hebrew! Use coupon code HEBREWROOTSMOM to receive a 20% …
Learning the Hebrew language is of great value to Christians in their study of the Bible. It helps us to better understand the Old Testament (and some New Testament) scriptures, which can ultimately lead to a deeper relationship with the God of the Bible Himself! When studying …
When you really want to delve into your studies of the Bible, a knowledge of its original languages is indispensable! Aside from the obvious biblical advantages, there are other benefits to a Christian’s faith when learning Hebrew. If you’re just starting out, welcome! I encourage …
Learning the Hebrew Language can be very beneficial to our faith as Christians. It’s through Hebrew that we can gain a deeper understanding of the Old Testament and, ultimately, the roots of our faith! When we can know more clearly what the Bible says, we can …
You’ll find that following the Hebrew calendar becomes necessary when you begin to observe the Biblical Holy Days and align your year according to the Bible. To guide you in this, I recommend you purchase a calendar with the corresponding Hebrew months and Biblical Holy Days. The …
According to the Bible, there are seven Feasts that God calls His Feasts (Lev. 23:2, Ez. 44:24) and commands His people to keep. Although it became rare for Christians to keep these Feasts in recent times, many are returning to a more Biblical way of life and …
Understand more about the Bible with Israel365’s newest book. In celebration of 75 years as a country, this beautiful book contains 75 Hebrew words that reveal concepts in God’s word. Use coupon code HEBREWROOTSMOM to receive a 10% discount on 75 Hebrew Words! The creators of this …
Study the Bible with the Holy Branches Torah Portion Reading Schedule! For information about studying the Torah portions, read Parashōt, The Original Bible Study! Click here for your free printable Torah Portion Reading Schedule for 2024-2025 (5785)
Of the 66 books of the Bible, why do Hebraic Believers focus so heavily on the Torah – the first five books of the Bible? What about Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy makes people study them over and over each year (or more!)? Is the rest of the …