The Hebrew Roots Movement – What it is and What it isn’t
There are so many misconceptions about the Hebrew Roots Movement. To help clarify, here’s an explanation of the Movement’s basics.
The Hebraic Faith and Traditional Christianity: What’s the Difference?
How is Hebraic Christianity different from traditional Christianity? And how are they the same?
Frequently Asked Questions About Hebraic Roots
I love getting questions from my audience and try to answer all of them to the best of my ability. With a worldwide audience, many of the same questions are asked, so I put my answers all in one post to help you find the answers you’re looking for.
Wild Olive Branches: The Blessing of Being Grafted In
What does Paul mean when he says in Romans that we’re wild olive branches that are grafted in? What does this mean for our lives as Christians?
What is the New Covenant?
As often as we talk about the New Covenant as Believers, we should have a concise answer to this question. Let’s find out what the Bible says the New Covenant is and what that means for us!
Is the Torah Still Relevant Today?
Join Stephanie Pavlantos and me on her podcast, Grafted, as we discuss the Torah and its relevance to Believers.
How to Connect the Hebrew Roots of Your Faith to Real Life
You’ve realized the Biblical roots of your faith should be more a part of your life. Now what? Here’s a place to start.
10 Ways to a More Biblical Faith Through Hebraic Roots
This post answers one of the most common questions I get from my audience: “Where do I start?!” Here’s a list of 10 ways you can grow your faith through Hebraic Roots.
How to Find a Hebraic Congregation
When Christians decide to practice their faith through a Hebraic lens, it can be difficult to find a community with similar beliefs. If you’re in this position, you’re not alone!
You’re Not Alone: The Growing Hebraic Christian Faith
The beginning of a Christian’s journey to exploring the roots of their faith can be lonely. But don’t be discouraged! The Hebraic faith is growing quickly, and the resources you need are out there and becoming increasingly prevalent.
What a Christian Needs for a Hebraic Lifestyle
Is there anything I need while exploring my Biblical Hebrew Roots in my Christian Faith? Here are some things that will help!
Benefits of the Hebraic Perspective
What are the benefits of Christians practicing their faith from the viewpoint that our Hebrew roots are still viable and relevant? Here are a few things that have made a huge difference in my faith and that of many others.
Hebrew Roots Foundations
When Christians seek to explore the Hebrew Roots of their faith, it’s often not clear what we believe and why. So here are a few of the foundational principles explained.
Understanding Different Beliefs Among Hebraic Christians
There are differences in beliefs within the Hebrew Roots community. Here’s an explanation of those to bring clarity to those exploring this faith.
Why I Embrace My Hebrew Roots
Why would a Christian want to adopt Jewish traditions? How much of Christianity is rooted in Judaism? Is something missing from American Christianity? What about all these Holy Days in the Bible? Do they apply to us? Find out the answers and how I arrived on the Hebraic path.
What’s So Important About the Western Wall?
Perhaps you’ve heard of this famous Wall in Jerusalem or even been there. Why do millions of people travel from all over the world to visit a small part of an old wall? Does it have any significance for Christians?
Torah for Christians: Unlocking the Bible
Find out here how studying the Torah can be the key to understanding your Bible!
The Old Testament vs. The Tanakh: What Every Christian Should Know
Is the Old Testament the same as the Tanakh or the Hebrew Bible? How are they different? Find out here!
Eating Biblically Clean in Light of Grace
Why do some Christians change their diet when they make Hebraic Roots a part of their faith? What does it mean to eat Biblically clean? Does eating this way deny the grace we’ve been given? Find the answers here!
The New Moon of the Bible: Answers for Christians
What does the Bible say about the new moon? Does it have any relevance to our faith? If so, what should we do? Find answers here!
That Time Jesus Quoted the Torah
Jesus had so much to teach us while he was here on earth! Some of his most well-known statements came directly from the Torah, and we can gain even more insight into his teachings by reading the verses he quoted in their original context. Here are some to start with!
Which Bible Version is Best?
Every student of the Bible has their favorite Bible version. And with so many versions, there’s much room for opinion on which version is best. But which one really is the best?
Mic Drop Moments in Proverbs
The book of Proverbs contains so much great information! Here, I will discuss the very important points in Proverbs that make us stop in our tracks and reexamine our lives.
The Names of God
We can get to know God better by studying His many names in the Bible. Find His names and their meanings here!
Explaining The Chosen
There are so many rich cultural aspects of the New Testament in The Chosen, the series about Jesus’s life! In these posts, I explain many of those from a Hebrew Roots perspective.
Artza Box
Here are my reviews of Artza boxes! Artza is the best way to experience the Holy Land without going anywhere. Each box contains a multi-sensory experience of a different area of the Holy Land. The items included are of high quality and unique – often made just for Artza by local artisans. Check out my reviews to see what items are included in each, and use my unique coupon code – HEBREW20 for a 20% discount on your first order. You get a discount, and I earn a small commission for referring you to them. Enjoy!