Holy Branches

I’m a Gentile Believer, a devoted mother of five wonderful children, and the wife of an amazing husband. Nature, gardening, and dance bring joy and inspiration to my life. In my spare time, I play the piano, care for my garden, or study the Bible in Hebrew. And I’ll drop just about anything for a game of cards.

My unwavering quest for a genuine relationship with the God of the Bible has driven me to delve deeply into His Word, which guides my journey and shapes my life's path. This exploration, combined with dedication to living out my faith, is at the heart of my writing. I seek to share my insights and discoveries with readers, encouraging them to embark on their own spiritual journeys.

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1 Comment

  1. Hello, I am just beginning to study on my own with “Hebrew lens”. I am a gentile born again believer. As a curiosity I would like to see the Torah reading for October 7, 2023. Might you be able to tell me? Thank you for your time!

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