
My family and I are on a journey to grow spiritually and strengthen our Christian faith through a deeper understanding of the Old and New Testament and the culture of our Messiah, Jesus.

Studying the bible from a Jewish perspective can provide a great deal of biblical understanding. Each member of my family has grown spiritually since we started practicing our faith according to our Biblical roots and making this a part of our family’s legacy. It’s my desire for other Christians and their families to grow along with us, and I welcome you to join us on this journey. I’ll share our beliefs, traditions, recipes, and more to help you on your journey. I hope it’s as much a blessing to your family as it has been to ours!

About Our Site Logo and Subheading

Why is just one branch green on the tree in our Logo?

It comes back to Romans 11, where Paul discusses the place Gentiles have in the Kingdom of God. Our Messiah, Jesus, came to save the people of Israel. They are the cultivated olive tree and the roots in Paul’s analogy. Many of them rejected Jesus as the Messiah. Because of this, God extended the gift of salvation through Jesus to the Gentiles. Gentile Christians are referred to as the wild olive branch that was grafted into the tree where a natural branch had been cut off. So the green branch on our logo is us, Gentile Christians that have been blessed though we are undeserving, grafted into God’s kingdom.

From the same chapter comes our site’s subheading, “If the Root is Holy, So are the Branches” (Romans 11:16b). We are humbled as we realize that we have been given a gift by being allowed to take part in the blessing of the Messiah. Out of this realization and a desire to deepen our faith in and knowledge of our God and our Savior, we seek to discover the roots of our faith.